Catherine Chapman awarded a PhD

Congratulations to Catherine Chapman who has successfully completed her studies, defended her thesis and been awarded a PhD. The title of Catherine’s project was: Carbon sequestration potential of apple rootstocks: the role of root recalcitrance, rhizodeposition, and the rhizosphere microbiome.

Ece Moustafa awarded a PhD

Congratulations to Ece Moustafa who has successfully completed her studies, defended her thesis and been awarded a PhD. The title of Ece’s project was: Improving cane crop resilience by overcoming the legacy effects on photosynthesis during the recovery from short-term combined stresses.

Winnie Swann awarded a PhD

Congratulations to Winnie Swann who has successfully completed her studies, defended her thesis and been awarded a PhD. The title of Winnie’s project was: Optimising the light recipe for maximum photosynthesis, yield and quality in strawberry.

Lauren Farwell awarded a PhD

Congratulations to Lauren Farwell who has successfully completed her studies, defended her thesis and been awarded a PhD. The title of Lauren’s project was: The epidemiology and management of Cladosporium on raspberry.

Samantha Lynn awarded a PhD

Congratulations to Samantha Lynn who has successfully completed her studies, defended her thesis and been awarded a PhD. The title of Samantha’s project was: Identifying novel powdery mildew susceptibility and resistance genes in strawberry. Samantha has secured employment with a pharmaceutical company in North Kent.

Eithne Browne awarded a PhD

Congratulations to Eithne Browne who has successfully completed her studies, defended her thesis and been awarded a PhD. The title of Eithne’s project was: Is there more to raspberry root rot that Phytophthora rubi? Eithne has secured employment as a research scientist working for Teagasc investigating the potato, faba bean and barley microbiome.

George Onoufriou awarded a PhD

Congratulations to George Onoufriou who has successfully completed his studies, defended his thesis and been awarded a PhD. The title of George’s project was: The augmented agronomist: Synthesis of AI, ML and robotics to assist decision support

Chris Cook awarded a PhD

Congratulations to Chris Cook who has successfully completed his studies, defended his thesis and been awarded a PhD. The title of his project was: Understanding soil resilience to improve tree health

Nicholas Doddrell awarded a PhD

Congratulations to Nicholas Doddrell who has successfully completed his studies, defended his thesis and been awarded a PhD. The title of Nicholas’ project was: Genetic manipulation of photosynthetic efficiency to increase strawberry yields